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Clubs at PostHog

All discussion around the below happens in the #books-and-films Slack channel.


BookHog is PostHog's official book club. We meet once a month to discuss a particular book. Radical.

Michael is the organizer and picks the next book to read through a pseudo-democratic process. All discussion and voting for the next book to read happens in the #books-and-films Slack channel. Previous books we have read include:

  • A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology.
  • Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder
  • When Breath Becomes Air
  • His Master's Voice
  • The Order of Time
  • Stories of Your Life and Others
  • Soon I Will Be Invincible

Books can be purchased using your monthly books budget.

Big Questions Club

Once a month, curious PostHog minds gather to discuss Big Questions. Example questions:

  • Are we living in a simulation?
  • Do we have free will?
  • Will we ever fully simulate a human brain?
  • Are we living in a multiverse?

Charles is the organizer and puts together a short reading and watch list in advance. At the beginning and end of each conversation, we vote on whether or not we agree or disagree with the proposition. Sometimes people's minds are changed. Often they are not.

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Lore of PostHog / inside jokes A beginner's guide to some of our custom Slack emojis and various anecdotes you'll see and hear about. Mr Blobby. We once changed how we ingest session recording data, to use S3 blob storage. We called it Mr Blobby. Mr Blobby is a creepy '90s TV character from the UK. This project was nightmarishly hard, which is why this character was fitting. Sometimes people screenshot each other's faces and Zoom screens and use them as their backgrounds. Usually when an all…

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